False Abuse Allegations During Divorce
A false allegation of domestic violence can have lifelong ramifications on a Dallas father’s rights.
The law in Texas that threatens Dallas dads’ rights – and also husbands without children – deems that if the wife or child has been the victim of family violence perpetrated by the husband, then the wife is eligible to receive up to five years of maintenance, provided that the spouse lacks sufficient property to provide for reasonable, minimum family needs.
Thus, spousal support is incentivized with an alleged scenario of violence that attacks fathers’ rights in Dallas.
This new law that awards an ex-wife up to five years in maintenance has severely wounded Dallas dads’ rights. The strategic abuse of false allegations of violence has been termed “tactical nuclear weapons” by Cordell & Cordell CEO Joseph Cordell.
Time and time again, Cordell & Cordell’s Dallas attorneys have seen orders of protection treat the man like a criminal when there is no basis for the endangerment claims. These men are law-abiding citizens and great fathers who see their rights challenged in court.
No man should have to pay for abuse that he did not commit.
Cordell & Cordell Is Dedicated To Dallas Fathers’ Rights
The inherent bias of the court system in favor of women exacerbates divorce for many men, which is why Cordell & Cordell is committed to protecting dads’ rights in Dallas.
The result of bias is that the judicial system – lawyers, judges, social workers, and the administration – is prone to often assume, without proof, that men accused of abuse are guilty of abuse and moms should automatically be the presumed custodial parent.
To protect yourself in the event of divorce, contact the Dallas fathers’ rights attorneys at Cordell & Cordell by calling 972.490.3237.